
Thursday, February 07, 2019

Thursday's Catch: Modern Slavery and More

Modern-Day Slavery by the Numbers

On Thursday, Feb. 7, people from around the world will draw bold red X marks on their hands to bring attention to a global issue that still remains unfamiliar to many—modern-day slavery. Read More

The Sexual Abuse of Nuns Exists and Is Ongoing, Pope Admits

In addition to its prolonged, continually unfolding scandal on the sexual abuse of minors, the Catholic Church now has another major controversy on its radar: the sexual abuse of nuns at the hands of priests. Earlier this week when answering a reporter’s question, Pope Francis spoke publicly about the situation for the first time…. Read More

Choosing Relocation as a Revitalization Alternative

Relocation is often considered a magic bullet for revitalization. Today, Thom Rainer and Jonathan Howe discuss why it’s not the case and what to consider then making the decision to relocate. Listen Now
What may be a unique problem of Continuing Anglican churches is that many of them were not established to serve as community churches ministering to a particular community but as safe havens for Episcopalians disaffected for various reasons from the Episcopal Church and resident in a particular region. The result is churches that may draw very few members from the community in which their church building is located and may have very few connections with that community. In the case of such churches any decision to relocate also involves a decision to become a community church.
7 Big Tips for Funding Your Ministry Vision This Year

What’s the ONE subject almost no church leader enjoys talking about? Yep. Money.Read More

Ecclesiology for Calvinists

The latest issue on 9Marks Journal is online. While this issue is written primarily for Calvinists, non-Calvinists may find it interesting reading. Read Online or Download Free

3 Keys to Muslim Ministry — and Their Pitfalls

Now, after over 30 years of ministry to Muslims, I’ve learned a lot — through mistakes but also through successful approaches we learned through the years. I’ve reduced these many approaches into three specific areas, which I call AMP: apologetics, methodology and presences. Let’s see how these approaches can help us — and observe the possible pitfalls we should avoid. Read More

Faith-Sharing Is Wrong, Say Half of Christian Millennials

Although many Christian young adults say they’re well-equipped to share their faith and are even “gifted” at it, almost half say it’s at least somewhat wrong to share personal religious beliefs with someone of another faith. That’s the finding of new research from the Barna Group titled “Reviving Evangelism.” Read More
This post takes a further look at Millennials’ resistance to evangelism and what to do about it.
Image Credit: Facts and Trends; LifeWay

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