
Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Tuesday's Catch: Church Planting and Doctrine and More

How (Not) to Plant a Church

I can’t imagine what our church would be like without a robust confession of faith and its historically forged system of doctrine. Except for the fact that this is precisely what we didn’t have for the first two years of our church plant. Here’s what I mean. Read More

Seven Benefits to the Coming Opposition

The power of God’s kingdom flows exclusively through yielded human weakness. Read More

14-Point Check Up For Mistakes That Will Hurt Your Leadership

Leadership isn’t easy, but it’s one of the most rewarding endeavors imaginable. Leadership is more art than science, more fluid than structured, and more messy than clean. Therefore, any help we can get for a quick check-up is helpful. Read More

7 Tough Decisions Smart Leaders Make

The ability and willingness to make the tough calls—and doing it well—is what often separates the successful leaders from the not so successful. Read More

Sing to the Lord: The Role of Singing and Why it Matters

Have you ever wondered why we sing so much? Is it really necessary, every time we gather together as the people of God, that we sing? Read More

Discipleship That Goes Beyond Peer Circles

It isn’t good for us to only spend time with people who are exactly like us. This is especially true for the local church. It matters that members of the church body—made up of a diversity of people—practice intentional fellowship with each other. Read More

The Best Book of the Bible for New Believers

You are a new Christian. Or someone that you know is a new Christian. You (or they) want to start reading the Bible. Where should you begin? In other words, what’s the best book of the Bible for new believers? Read More

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