
Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Tuesday's Catch: Measuring the Health of Smaller Churches and More

8 Non-Numerical Ways To Assess The Health Of A Church

Numbers are not the only way to measure church health and effectiveness, especially in smaller churches. Read More

When Should You Report Ministerial Misconduct?

One of the most challenging responsibilities is reporting the misconduct of a minister. Read More

Trauma Experts Share How to Care for and Support Sexual Abuse Survivors

Four leading trauma experts share their insights for helping sexual abuse survivors. Read More

How to Plan a Daily Quiet Time With God

Brandon Cox shares his conviction that the one thing that will change everything about our lives for the positive is establishing a daily quiet time with God. Read More

A Church Health Quiz: Is Your Church an Evangelistic Church?

For years, I’ve studied evangelistic churches. Based on those studies, here are some simple questions to evaluate your church’s evangelistic health…. Read More

What if Evangelism Came as Natural as Breathing?

What if evangelism came as natural as breathing or blinking does? What if we spoke about the good news of Jesus Christ as effortlessly as we take a breath or blink our eyes? Read More

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