
Tuesday, February 05, 2019

Tuesday's Catch: The Pushback against Church Growth Principles and More

Why Is There An Increasing Pushback Against Church Growth Principles?

As the church growth movement enters middle age, it’s time to ask some tough, but fair and necessary questions. Read More

Study: Unprecedented Growth Possible in Next 30 Years

In America, the fields are ripe for harvest but there aren’t enough churches to meet people’s needs. That’s the key finding of a report titled “The Great Opportunity,” commissioned by the Pinetops Foundation. During the next three decades, it predicts, America’s church planting rate must double to maintain current levels of churchgoing. Reasons include the high rate of church closures, continued population growth, an increase in unaffiliated worshipers, and a wave of young people leaving Christianity. Read More

Writing on the Wall—The Church Is Not Growing

Here are the facts: North America is the only continent in the world where the church is not growing. In North America, the church is in decline. Some even claim it is dying. Most denominations—including evangelical denominations—are shrinking. Read More

Who Worries About Hell the Most

Baylor researcher: “If you believe in a harsher form of hell, you’re pretty sure you’re not going there.” Read More

Why Church Leaders Should Read (and Teach) the Bible as Literature

We read through the lens of genre, context, and intent so that we may best interpret and apply God’s Word in a way that honors Him and is true to the text. Read More

The Christian Life Is More Like a Bus Ride Than a Motorcycle Ride

Hey pastor, here’s some language I use to help my people understand how the gospel relates to our life together as a single congregation with a single gathering (no multiple services or sites). Read More

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