
Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Wednesday's Catch: Ministry Child Safety Rules and More

The 3 Rules For Child Safety In Ministry

To keep your children safe, boil your strategy down to these words: Sticky, Simple, and Consistent. Read More

How to Crack the Hard Soil of Secular Cities

Church planters need to adjust their expectations and their methods when planting churches in secular cities. Toward this end Bill Reidel identifies a number of habits which he has found to essential to the health and growth a church in some of America’s hardest soil. Read More

Increasing Evangelism in Church Planting

Statistically, we have more church planting, but slightly less evangelistic impact. And, most importantly, too many church plants don’t have the needed evangelistic focus that should undergird what they do. Read More

Church Planter, Don’t Underestimate the Overlooked

Don’t be surprised when God uses the least spectacular saints in the most spectacular ways. Read More

12 Signs Your Church Might Be Inwardly Focused

Most churches have more of an inward focus than an outward one. That’s one reason Thom Rainer and I many years ago wrote the book, Eating the Elephant– to help established churches turn outwardly. Here are some signs that your church might be inwardly focused…. Read More

10 Dangers of Denial in Dying Churches [Video]

In this Rainer Report identifies ten dangers of denial in churches that are dying. Watch Now

Missiology, Church Models, and Cultural Alignment

In each era and each cultural environment, the church defines its missiological quest in culture. Read More

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