
Thursday, March 28, 2019

5 Visible Ways to Show Your Church Is Working to Keep Kids Safe

Your church has trained its leaders on the risks of child sexual abuse. Your volunteers have been made fully aware of reporting procedures and they understand—and abide by—children’s ministry policies (such as the “two-adult rule”).

How, then, would a church demonstrate to the parents within the congregation and those visiting the church with their families that they’ve worked to provide a safe environment for children? What would give these visiting families the confidence to keep coming back?

Kimberlee Norris, co-founder of MinistrySafe—a consulting organization that helps churches create safety systems to meet legal standards of care and reduce the risk of child sexual abuse—says there are several ways she advises churches to communicate child safety measures as it relates to abuse. Read More

Also See:
Sex Abuse in the Church: Is It Ever Too Late to Call the Police?

Photo by Nicholas Githiri on Pexels

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