
Friday, March 22, 2019

Friday's Catch: Successful Ministry Launch Steps and More

5 Keys to Launching a New Ministry

It doesn’t really matter what the ministry is. The launching process is relatively the same. Read More

11 Significant Differences Between 1 Church Of 1,000 And 10 Churches Of 100

The church has always been blessed by our differences. Read More

Steeplejacking Worship

Steeplejacking is a coined term that describes the attempt to infiltrate, influence and take-over an existing congregation. In the corporate world steeplejacking could be compared to a hostile takeover. It is often initiated by marginalizing what a congregation has done or is presently doing in order to coerce it into making radical changes. Read More

The 3 Most Important Ways Your Church Can Disciple Children

In this post, I’m going to share with you three overlooked ways you can lead parents to disciple their children. What I’m going to share isn’t necessarily revolutionary. But it will help you to connect the dots. Read More

Seven Surprising Ways to Prepare Yourself to Share the Gospel

What does it mean to be prepared to share the gospel? Read More

3 Doctrines to Help Share the Gospel with Mormons

Let’s consider a few ways to reach our Mormon neighbors as effectively as possible, so they will turn from false religion and follow the Jesus of Scripture. Read More

Evangelicals Show No Decline, Despite Trump and Nones

The 2018 General Social Survey reports American evangelicals holding steady amid growth of the unaffiliated—and a surprising uptick for mainline Protestants. Read More

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