
Monday, March 25, 2019

Monday's Catch: 'Don't Underestimate Small Town Ministry' and More

Don’t Underestimate Small-Town Ministry

Rural churches need skilled, solid, vibrant gospel ministry just as much as suburbs and cities do. Read More

Going Beyond Cosmetic Changes

The problem with the American church today is simple: It’s turned inward toward the already convinced instead of outward toward those far from God and, as a result, does nothing of an informed nature in terms of strategy or tactics to reach those far from God. Even those growing are, for the most part, doing it through transfer growth at the expense of other churches. Read More

Seven Trends in the Way Churches Are Responding to Inactive Members

How are churches responding to the reality that many members on the church roll could not be found by the U. S. Census Bureau or the FBI? Here are seven trends.... Read More

Church Entertainment Fatigue—Are People Tired of the Church’s Glitzy Stage?

When a local congregation creates a culture of church entertainment in an attempt to build a congregation, it will only be a matter of time before they begin to experience the negative consequences that emphasis will bring. Read More

8 Reasons Why Pastors Need to Serve in the Nursery or Preschool for a Sunday

I’ve served as a pastor, and I fully understand our desire to preach every Sunday. Few of us want to give up our pulpit. At the same time, I think most of us don’t think much about taking a Sunday off to serve in the nursery or preschool department. I want to change that thinking. Here’s why.... Read More

Always Count the Cost

There are at least four costs to being a Christian—costs that we do not pay once, but over the whole course of our Christian lives. Read More

8 Signs You Love Legalism More Than Jesus

For years, legalism distorted my perspective and desire to follow Jesus. Read More

A Book That Will Transform Your Evangelism

Stop living your life in fear, and wear the cultural dissonance as a badge of honor. Fear no one but God. Read More

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