
Saturday, March 09, 2019

Practical Preaching Advice for Pastors and Lay Preachers #40

6 Must-Have Qualities You Should Find In Any Good Preacher

God has called preachers to be faithful rather than successful. How can we be sure we are staying true to the call? What makes a faithful preacher? Read More

4 Deep Changes Your Preaching Should Produce

God's work is transformational. Is our preaching doing God's work? Read More

6 Themes To Help Your Preaching Come Alive

In my theological tradition, the preparation and practice of preaching sometimes feel more like science. But I think we lose something if a sermon is primarily a position paper we could construct in a laboratory. Read More

4 Vitamins for Healthy Preaching: Lessons from the Reformers

Here are four lessons we can learn from the Reformers. You might think of them as four vitamins for healthy preaching. Read More

Preacher, Show your Working Out

Adam Ch’ng explains why evangelical preachers need to reprioritise explicit exposition. Read More

You Exegete Your Text, But Do You Exegete Your People?

"Bob Easley may not have gone beyond sixth grade, but he taught this quasi-educated preacher that there's a lot more to be learned about preaching than I ever got inside a book." Read More

Why Sermon Notes Are Like Training Wheels [Video; Transcript]

I believe sermon notes are like training wheels for your preaching. Watch this video (or read the transcript) to find out why. Plus, I’ll give you a few tips on how you can preach better. Watch Now or Read More

Preacher's Block: 8 Sure-Fire Ways To Beat It

Time ticks by and Sunday's deadline keeps approaching. What should you do if you feel stuck? Read More

How Can I Possibly Do Sermon Prep When I'm Just Not Feeling It?

God feels far away. Everybody at home is mad at you. Even the dog won’t talk to you. What do you do when you need to do sermon prep but you just aren’t feeling it? Read More

A Sermon Notes Sheet for Young Children

Ryan Higginbottom has written before about how to help children listen to the sermon. In that article he focused on what to do before, during, and after the sermon. In this post, he provides a practical tool to use during the sermon. Read More

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