
Saturday, March 16, 2019

Practical Preaching Advice for Pastors and Lay Preachers #41

Should We Rethink the 30-Minute Sermon Lecture?

Our message should encompass both Scripture and our congregants questions. Read More

5 Ways to Find Your Preaching Voice

Preaching is nothing more than the truth of God’s Word mediated through the personality of the preacher. But it’s also nothing less than that. When you stand up to deliver God’s Word to your congregation, you better be sure you have something to say. But you also better make sure you say it in your own voice. Read More

4 Simple Ways to Be a More Effective Speaker

Greg Stier offers four ways in which we may becoming a better, more impacting communicator. Read More

6 Reasons I Preached on LGBTQ Issues

Chris Hefner shares what he learned from preaching a sermon series on the Bible and human sexuality. Read More

The Gospel Is a Plea Bargain

Communicating the gospel in a culture that at best is “post-Christian” can be challenging. Add to this the nuanced complexity surrounding the non-gentrified portions of cities, which in my estimation is mostly “pre-Christian,” the task of evangelism may seem daunting. Trying to leverage modern slang can be helpful, but slang becomes dated quickly in our society. One idea that I’ve put into practice is communicating the gospel inside a conceptual framework the evangelistic prospect can grasp. Read More

Three Must-Do’s For Every Point of Your Sermons [Video]

In this video, Lane Sebring suggest doing at leastthree things with every point you make in your sermons. Watch Now

6 Tools For Overcoming Preacher’s Block (You'll Love #3)

I've been preaching for 30 years. At some point I have to run out of things to say, right? Actually, at hundreds of points I have run out of things to say! Read More

10 Commandments Of Sermon Illustrations

Thou shall be interesting! Here's guidance. Read More

6 Ways You Can Break Through To Reach Hardened Hearts

"Hardened hearts need to hear from a communicator, not a speaker." What can you do to reach them? Read More

What Your Gospel Message Reveals About Your View Of The Gospel

When we preach we plant seeds, but what will grow from the seeds we plant? Read More

Why You Should Write Your Sermons At Least Two Weeks Ahead

Greater clarity, creativity and cooperation are just a couple of weeks away. Here's how. Read More

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