
Saturday, March 23, 2019

Practical Preaching Advice for Pastors and Lay Preachers #42

Why Preaching?

For the pastor, preaching is priority number one. Read More

To Be Looked Through, Not Looked At

The preacher is not someone who is to be looked at, but someone who is to be looked through. Read More

8 Ways to Find Sermon Illustrations

In the spirit of trying to encourage the effective use of illustrations, here are eight places to look for them. Read More

Illustrate to Help Rather than Impress

Bryan Chapell counsels pastors on how to model their teaching on Christ's example. Read More

On Planning Your Preaching Schedule [Podcast]

In this episode of Pastors’ Talk, Jonathan Leeman chats with Mark Dever about planning the preaching schedule. Listen Now

3 Ways to Overcome Baggage When Preaching

Every pastor who’s filled that pulpit has left a little piece of himself with the hearers. As the current pastor, I need to be aware of that baggage as I enter the pulpit. Read More

5 Thoughts on Sermon Delivery

This past week, I talked with some of our Southeastern Seminary students about lessons I’ve learned about sermon delivery after 38 years of preaching. Today, here are some general thoughts. Tomorrow, I’ll offer some practical suggestions for strengthening delivery. Read More

7 Tips on Sermon Delivery

Yesterday, I posted some general thoughts about sermon delivery based on almost four decades of preaching. Today, here are some practical tips that I’ve found helpful for me.... Read More

7 Ways to Preach an Ineffective Sermon

Here are seven types of sermons that can render a preacher’s labors ineffective. Read More

6 Preaching Methods Jesus Used That You Should, Too

If there is anyone we should emulate in our preaching, it's Jesus! Read More

Stop Asking Jesus Into Your Heart

Surveys show more than 50% of people have prayed a sinner's prayer and think they're going to heaven even though there is no detectable difference in their lifestyles from those outside of the church. Read More

Randy Alcorn: Are You Willing To Be Hated For Speaking The Gospel Of Truth?

"It's not our job to be popular. Let's represent the real Jesus, the whole Jesus, not just the culturally acceptable one." Read More

What Do Your Gestures Say While You Preach?

t's true: we speak with more than words, more than our voice. How does your body preach? Read More

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