
Saturday, March 30, 2019

Practical Preaching Advice to Pastors and Lay Preachers #43

Don't Play Games With Scripture: 10 Checkpoints For Your Next Sermon

"Here are a few 'preacher games' I've noticed over the years, all of them being dishonorable and unworthy." Read More

Why Preaching Is Worship

Expository exultation is a unique kind of communication. It is something not brought from the world into the service of the church. Nor can the world take it from the church and use it for its own purposes. It is different, radically different, from anything in the world. Read More

Why "Preach Like The Room Is Full" Is Some Of The Worst Advice

"Even if only three people show up to church, preach like the room is full!" That's some of the worst advice I've ever received in ministry. Read More

3 Reasons to Preach From the Old Testament

I’ve grown to love the Old Testament for the following three reasons—reasons why I believe pastors and church members should study and teach the Old Testament. Read More

There Isn’t a Straight Line between Prayer and Sermon Efficacy

I am concerned by the straight line that many want to draw between our prayers and the efficacy of our sermons. Is it true that our sermons will be total duds if we fail to pray? Will the Lord refuse to work if we haven’t put the effort into our prayer time? I think this inference is theologically problematic and debases the Lord almost as much as the total lack of prayerlessness this view is trying to avoid also does. Read More

The Value of Word-Ministry Is Not Necessarily Seen in the Short-Term

Far more significant than the Lord’s apparent work week-by-week – judged according to people’s feelings on the sermon – is the imperceptible work that God is doing by his Spirit over the long-term. Read More

Is the Rich Man and Lazarus a Parable?

The account is unique to Luke’s Gospel and has several other exclusive features besides. How should we interpret it and what can it teach us today? Read More

6 Transformational Tips for Preaching Through Romans

Here are six expository tips for preaching through this powerful book. Read More

Seven Habits of Highly Effective Preachers [Podcast]

There are often certain characteristics found in pastors who are effective preachers. In this podcast Thom Rainer and Jonathan Howe discuss seven of those characteristics. Listen Now

Sharpen Your Sermon With A God-Centered Checklist

If you want to help your people focus on God when they leave church tomorrow, here are 11 things that you cannot do. Read More

Should We Try To Please Our Listeners? How Much?

If listeners aren't satisfied, it could be a good sign, or it could be a bad sign. In the same way, happy listeners may mean something is wrong. Read More

Don’t Preach Microwaved Leftover Sermons

Jared C. Wilson offers some thoughts on what he describes as “microwaved leftover sermons.” Read More

How Do we Interpret Hard NT Texts? [Video]

An interview with Tom Schreiner, James Buchanan Harrison Professor of New Testament Interpretation and Professor of Biblical Theology ; Associate Dean of the School of Theology at Southern Baptist Seminary, Louisville,Kentucky. Watch Now

Kill These 5 Distracting Preaching Habits [Video]

In this video Lane Sebring will explore five common physical distractions he has observed in preachers over the years. He has also seen a good amount of these in his own preaching and has sought to correct and eliminate them. Watch Now

How To Stop People From Playing On Their Phones In Church

Cell phones in church don't bother me because I've discovered an ancient secret that keeps people from getting bored in church. Read More

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