
Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Tuesday's Catch: The Importance of a Community's History to Church Planting and More

Good Church Planters Are Historians

Knowing demographics is essential, but in order for that understanding to be accurate, we must also know the history of our community. Every community’s present state has been forged in the past. No place can escape its history. And if we fail to rightly understand such history, our churches risk doing more harm than good. Read More

The Mainstreaming of Sexual Fluidity

James White weighs the long-term implications of Generation Z sexual and relational amorphousness. Read More

What to Do When Your Ministry Honeymoon Runs Out

When we take a new job or assume a new ministry role in a church (paid or volunteer), the honeymoon effect can mask the realities of this new role. So what do we do when the ministry honeymoon wears off? I suggest five ideas that may help. Read More

8 Reasons Pastors Must Have Faith

We know that believers must live by faith, as “without faith it is impossible to please God” (Heb. 11:6). I’m not sure, though, that pastors strive hard enough to let faith guide them in their ministries. Here are some reasons pastors must have faith. Read More

No, the Church Didn’t Create the Bible [Video Podcast]

A discussion with Don Carson and Mike Kruger. Watch Now
Also see Do You Know How We Got the Bible? and Lectures on the Canon
Seven Ways Churches Make Prayer Central to Their Worship Services [Audio Podcast]

We constantly hear from pastors wanting to see prayer increase in their churches. The secret to becoming a praying church is to…pray. Listen Now

6 Myths About Vacation Bible School

You still have some resistance to Vacation Bible School (VBS). You keep thinking of those “Yes, but …” statements that people are quick to toss your way when the subject of VBS is mentioned. Read More

What Is Islam?

In reality, there’s as much diversity in the Muslim world as there is in the Christian world. Just as we wouldn’t want non-Christians to pigeonhole us with a “one size fits all” view of Christianity, we should acknowledge and respond appropriately to the plurality of perspectives, traditions, and practices that exist among contemporary Muslims. In this article, we’ll survey some major points of diversity found in Islam today and consider the implications for how we engage with Muslims. Read More

Leverage Your Short-Term Mission Trips for Long-Term Goals

According to both data and my own observation, the vast majority of STM is designed toward social ministry and poverty relief, with teams comprised primarily of teenagers and youth. If we believe that Acts provides us a template for Great Commission ministry—that Paul and the apostles teach us how to obey Jesus regarding missions—perhaps it’s time to reevaluate our STM strategies in light of the New Testament. Read More

Do 47 Percent of Christian Millennials Think Evangelism Is Wrong? - Part 1

Many young Christians clearly hold a negative view of evangelism. But why? Read More

The Equality Act Accelerates Anti-Christian Bias

The bill represents the most invasive threat to religious liberty ever proposed in America. Read More

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