
Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Wednesday's Catch: 'The 5 Best Books on Church Planting' and More

An early meeting place of the Grace Anglican Community, Katy, Texas

The 5 Best Books on Church Planting

I’ve spent 5 years church planting in Guatemala, and in my experience, these are the top five books every church planter should have on their shelf. Read More

How to (Not) Overburden People in Your Church Plant

Vital to any church’s health is encouraging and developing God’s people for service. But it can prove harmful if the expectations given come (1) too fast, (2) are too much, or (3) are too heavy for them to carry. Read More
While a church planter needs to be careful about not overburdening others, he also needs to be careful about doing all the work himself and not delegating tasks to others. I was involved in a church plant for almost two years in which the church planter/pastor had difficulty even delegating simple tasks to others. When he did delegate anything, it was to the same small group of people who had been with him since the outset. For example, he set out the chairs for the church service every Sunday. He did not launch any small groups because his schedule did not permit him to lead every small group. Among the consequences was that the church plant offered few opportunities for leadership and ministry. Such opportunities are one of the things that attract people to a new church. He also fostered a consumer mentality in those who attended the church. They came to church not to lead but to be led, not to minister but to be ministered to.
8 Alternatives to Calling Another Team Meeting at Your Church

Effective church leaders look to root out useless “information sharing only” meetings and find other ways to keep the team aware of what’s happening at the church. As such, you need alternative strategies to keep your people aligned. Here are eight meeting alternatives for your team.... Read More

The Bible Wasn’t Written to You … and That’s OK

The key to finding the Bible’s purpose for us is first and foremost to be honest about the nature of the Bible itself. Grasping a handful of basic points will put us well on the way to a healthy and beneficial interaction with the Bible. Read More

9 Common Trends in Church Worship Services [Video]

In today's Rainer Report Thom Rainer examines nine common trends that are discernible in church worship services in the United States near the end of the second decade of the twenty-first century. Watch Now

You Can Be a Church Member and Go to Hell Anyway

If you don’t think you can be a church member and go to hell anyway, please read on. Read More

The Early Symptoms of Spiritual Danger

The solemn fact is that none of us can tell the difference between the beginning of backsliding and the beginning of apostasy. Both look the same. So what are the tell-tale signs of this sickness unto death? Are there early symptoms that might alert us to our spiritual danger? Read More

Women Suffer More, Says New Report on Christian Persecution

Open Doors, an organization that supports persecuted Christians throughout the world, has released a study evaluating the similarities and differences in how Christian men and women are persecuted. The researchers have found that persecution is gender specific and that, overall, women experience a greater degree and complexity of persecution than men do. Read More

Image Credit: Grace Anglican Community, Katy, Texas

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