
Monday, April 01, 2019

Are We Shepherds or Hirelings?

I’m often asked: what is my greatest regret from my early years in ministry?

That’s an easy one to answer.

I wasn’t a shepherd. I was a hireling.

I didn’t realize it at the time. I thought I was a good pastor. I thought God was pleased with my passion for the lost and my commitment to make a difference for the kingdom. But looking back, I approached ministry like a CEO and theology like a scholar. Worse, I viewed the flock I had as a tool to help me reach the sheep I wanted to reach.

And when things didn’t go so well during my first few years, I reacted like a frustrated entrepreneur trying to build something great for God while stuck with a flock that wouldn’t do its part to help me pull it off. I was discouraged, depressed and rather annoyed at the sheep.

Like many who get caught up with dreams of grandeur and doing something great for God, I had lost my original calling and identity as a pastor.

To get it back, I took a deep dive into the biblical concept of shepherding, starting with the words of Jesus and Peter, and moving on to the rest of Scripture. And what I found profoundly changed my understanding of what it means to be a pastor. Read More

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