
Friday, April 12, 2019

Friday's Catch: Neighborhood-Focused Church Planting and More

Four Characteristics of Neighborhood-Focused Church Planting

In this post, Matt Owens shares some valuable insights about how all Christians can be intentional about seeing their neighborhood as their parish. Read More

Some Common and Not-So-Common Facility Prohibitions in Replants & Revitalizing Churches [Podcast]

Churches often have some strange prohibitions for what’s allowed in the facility. Some make more sense that others. Listen Now

7 Critical Issues for Your Easter Service Preparation (Repost)

By this point, most of the plans are complete; it would be difficult to make major adjustments right now. But you can address seven critical issues before the weekend arrives. Allow me to address each individually. Read More

Why Giving Goes Down When Attendance Goes Up [Podcast]

It sounds paradoxical, but some churches will see overall growth in attendance while their giving decreases. How is this possible? Today Thom Rainer and Jonathan Howeexplain. Listen Now
Giving may also go up when attendance goes down. In the case of a declining church this may be a desperate attempt to stave off closure.
3 Ways Churches Can Avoid Living in the Past

Heritage has its place, but if we merely look to the past and don’t plan and prepare for what God has for the future, we do those who’ve come before us a great disservice. More importantly, we stand to miss out on what could be while we look at what has been. Read More

A Counterintuitive View of Multiple Campuses and Sudden Pastoral Transitions

Here are two reasons “multisite campuses” are better prepared for sudden pastoral transition than the “original campus.” Read More

5 Ways to Prepare for Easter

With Easter just a few weeks away, every children’s ministry leader is planning and preparing for this special weekend. Every Sunday should be a celebration of Christ’s work, but this weekend provides so many added opportunities to reach children and families. Therefore, it’s worth taking some time to consider how we’re preparing for Easter in our children’s ministries. Read More

8 Critical Signposts of a Healthy Church

Based upon a LifeWay Research study a spiritally-health believer evidences eight characteristics in increasing measure. Read More

If You Want to Evangelize, Try Talking About the Weather

Why small talk and friendship are fundamental to faith formation. Read More

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