
Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Islam and North America: Loving and Reaching Our Muslim Neighbors FREE ONLINE CONFERENCE MAY 2, 2019

Muslims are increasingly becoming our neighbors and Christians are called to take the gospel to them whether they live in Cairo, Egypt, or Cairo, Illinois.

In partnership with B&H Publishing, the North American Mission Board wants to help educate and train church leaders and members to reach their Muslim neighbors with the gospel

On Thursday, May 2, 2019, you can hear from [Keith] Whitfield and [Micah] Fries, along with Andy DeFelice, Kambiz Saghaey, Bob Roberts, and Ed Stetzer on how to share the gospel with Muslims, while recognizing the issues that exist between followers of the two faiths.

“This conference is an attempt to dispel false narratives about Islam, and provide followers of Jesus with practical tools to help them show and share the love of Jesus with their Muslim neighbors,” states Fries.

Whitfield echoes Fries’ sentiments about the conference. “The conference attempts to cultivate love for our Muslim neighbors. Because as the gospel tells us, love overcomes fear,” he says. Learn More
Murray, Kentucky where I live has a Muslim community. Young women in hijabs are a common sight on the campus of Murray State University and a woman in a burqa may be occasionally be seen in Walmart or on the street. The university has set aside space for Muslim students to perform the daily salat. The town has a mosque and a halal grocery. A restaurant just off campus serves halal dishes. I share a duplex and I have had Muslim students as neighbors as well as students from mainland China. This upcoming conference should prove helpful in better understanding our Muslim neighbors and sharing the gospel with them.

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