
Monday, April 08, 2019

Monday's Catch: Effective Easter Invites and More

5 Ways to Make Your Easter Invite More Effective

People are planning to show up to church for Easter, or at least haven’t ruled that out. Here are five ways to make your Easter invites more effective. Read More

5 Mistakes Pastors Make on Easter (and How to Avoid Them)

To help make this Easter the best yet, here are five of the common mistakes pastors make on Easter that I have noticed. Read More

How to Keep Your Team After Easter

How do we still have a team going forward after such a stressful and busy season as Easter? Read More

21 Ways to Keep a Church from Growing

I’m not at all opposed to small churches, but I do have a problem with some small church mentalities. Read More

Before Your Congregation Dies: 6 Proactive Options For Your Church Property

Just as my identity is not in my body, a church’s identity is not in its building – or it shouldn’t be. Read More

How To Stack Your Leadership Pipeline With Your Best Volunteers and Team Members

Let me show you a simple short cut I’ve found to stacking your pipeline with the best new volunteers and team members. Read More

Five Strategies for Being a More Approachable Pastor on Sunday Mornings

Approachability is only one facet of leadership, but it’s an important part of being a pastor. Read More

Putting the “Service” Back in Worship Service

Consider these four basic ways we can use our Sundays to serve others, as opposed to just being served ourselves. Read More

Americans Grow Less Certain About God’s Existence

More than half of Americans still say they believe in God without any doubts, but they are a shrinking majority. Read More

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