
Monday, April 15, 2019

Monday's Catch: Multisite and Missional and More

How to Be Both Multisite and Missional—At Any Church: Part 2

Your church, no matter the size, can indeed become in a sense “multisite,” inherited churches can launch fresh expressions, harnessing the power of a mixed economy: a diversity of ecclesial forms in which fresh expressions of church exist alongside inherited forms in relationships of mutual respect and support. Read More

What is Impassibility? Defining a Forgotten Attribute

The doctrine of Divine Impassibility is an ancient Christian belief, confessed throughout the long history of the Church, and yet often misunderstood or rejected today. It reflects classical Christian theism, and its import is well-known by theologians and has been fixed for centuries. It is deeply rooted in the Christian tradition and confessed by every major English Protestant church—both the 1552 42 Articles of the Church of England and their 1563 revision known as the 39 Articles; the 1647 Westminster Confession of Faith; the 1658 Savoy Declaration of the English Congregational churches, and the 1677/89 Second London Confession of the Baptists, (reprinted in America with two additions in 1742 as the Philadelphia Confession). And yet over the past 150 years this teaching has been criticized, modified and rejected, so that today it is an unpopular doctrine among evangelical theologians. Read More

So Many Church Leaders Struggle With Their Faith. Here’s Where It Starts.

If you don't engage the battle to keep your relationship with God alive, you'll lose it. Read More

7 Suggestions for New Pastors

I’m sure all of us who’ve served as pastor have things we’d like to tell new pastors. I make no claim that my suggestions are unique, but here are some simple suggestions for new pastors – and perhaps they will help veteran pastors as well. Read More

4 Lessons from My First 5 Years on the Field

Recently, I celebrated the five-year anniversary of becoming a TEAM missionary in Taiwan. Each year has been quite different, with its own share of surprises, disappointments and small victories. Today, I’m sharing four missionary lessons I’ve learned along the way. Read More

When You're Sharing Jesus as an Outsider

Effective evangelism in America requires that you understand a different worldview. Read More
It's dandelion season in western Kentucky. They are ubiquitous. Some folks don't like dandelions. They are stubborn weeds that ruin their lawn or garden. But I welcome their bright yellow flowers and white fuzzy puff balls. You can eat the young tender leaves.You can roast the roots and make ersatz coffee from them. To me dandelions illustrate how churches should multiply. They should scatter their seeds to the winds and spread in every direction. 

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