
Monday, April 29, 2019

Monday's Catch: Pastor as Player-Couch and More

Fundamentals for Pastoral Ministry

There needs to be a shift from pastor as resident-expert to pastor as player-coach. Read More

Reaching Cultural Christianity With The Gospel

Here are some tips to remember when establishing a starting point in a spiritual conversation with a Cultural Christian. Read More

Monday is for Missiology: What is the Missional Church?-- a New Series

"Missional" has been used and abused for years. What does it mean and what does a missional church look like? Read Series

First Impressions: 7 Ways To Give Church Guests A Frustration-Free Experience 

Shortening the distance between our guests and a relationship with Jesus. That's what a welcoming church is all about. Read More

The Swedish Method

Want to read the Bible with someone? Go Swedish, says Peter Blowes. Read More

What Are the Seven Arrows? [Video]

The Seven Arrows are seven simple questions designed to take the mystery out of Bible study. Watch Now

8 Ways to Vet Potential Small Group Leaders

Because the work of the church is vitally important, we shouldn’t casually approach placing leaders in roles. We have an obligation to the people in our congregations to seek the Lord’s guidance as we meet with potential leaders to determine their suitability and compatibility for specific roles. Read More

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