
Saturday, April 20, 2019

Practical Preaching Advice for Pastors and Lay Preachers #46

7 Easter Declarations People Are Literally Dying To Hear

Stay on track. You have the greatest message on the planet; try not to weaken it with trivialities. Read More

7 Suggestions for Preaching the Resurrection Story this Weekend

Around the world, we will celebrate Resurrection Day this coming Sunday. Many people in many places will tell the resurrection story in many languages. If you’re one of those proclaimers, I humbly offer these suggestions for this weekend.... Read More

8 Must-Have Elements Of Your Easter Sermon

Eternities and lives hang in the balance--here's a checklist to keep you grounded for this very important sermon. Read More

2 Contradictions To Remember Every Time You Preach

Effective preaching requires learning to negotiate the perilous waters between two vital strategies. Read More

12 Things TEDx Speakers Do That Preachers Don’t

Ever seen a TEDx talk? They’re pretty great....I’ve wondered for a long time, “How in the world do each of these talks end up consistently blowing me away?”So I did some research and found the TEDx-talk guidelines for speakers. Some of the advice was basic—but some of it was unexpected. Much of it, I think, is a welcome wake-up call to preachers who are communicating in a 21st-century, postmodern, post-Christian context. Obviously, some of this doesn’t fit with a preacher’s ethos—but much of it does. Read More

Preach The Past: Discover Powerful Illustrations And Lessons From Church History

A working knowledge of Church history teaches us to be humble. Our footprints aren’t the first tracks on this road. Read More

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