
Thursday, April 18, 2019

Thursday's Catch: Church Vandalism on the Rise in France and More

Every Day, Two Churches in France Are Vandalized

Although this week’s fire at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris wasn’t caused by arson, the incident is drawing attention to an alarming string of human-caused devastation at other French churches. Last year, 1,063 acts of vandalism and “anti-Christian acts” occurred at houses of worship, many of them Catholic. Read More

Why Did Jesus Heal the Sick?

There are so many fascinating, intriguing, and appealing things about Jesus that one hardly knows where to begin. But let me try. Read More

3 Reasons I Changed My Mind About Penal Substitution

Three significant things have shaped my thinking about the death of Christ, and I’m now much closer to where I started than I imagined I might be. Read More

The Case for Christ’s Resurrection

Without the resurrection of Jesus Christ, we should just pack it up and go home. Read More

The Best Argument for Using a Printed Bible

In this year of worldwide travel for that church history project I’m calling EPIC, I’ve been challenged to return to a printed Bible. What’s the best argument? Instead of telling you, let me show you.... Read More

How VBS Led One Woman From Salvation to Serving

Ashley Virto was a teenager 10 years ago who knew about Jesus Christ, but didn’t know Jesus Christ. Thanks to a bus ministry and a Vacation Bible School, Virto, now 24, is a Christian serving Jesus Christ in her church and the Tennessee Baptist Mission Board and is now helping to train Spanish-language VBS leaders. Read More

4 Kinds of Groups We Need for Discipleship

Launching a discipleship group can be an intimidating process. There are a lot of questions to think through, but the first question we have to wrestle with is: What type of group will this be? Read More

A Church for the Nones, the Dones and the Undones

A little over eight years ago, a few of us began to plant an outpost for Christ in the far western suburb of Oswego, Chicago. We literally started without a plan and believed our reputation would be enough of a brand to bring people to the facility. We had the arrogant idea the rest of the area churches had failed in reaching the community. Read More

Headwinds in Evangelism: How Secularism and Pluralism Add New Challenges to Outreach

We’re still trying to figure out what the future should ultimately look like as we continue to share the gospel. Read More

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