
Thursday, April 25, 2019

Thursday's Catch: Ministry to Single Parents and More

Why the Church Needs Single Parents, and Single Parents Need the Church

Families with one parent are part of God’s family. But how do we minister to their complex needs? Read More

5 Reasons Church Numbers Matter

One of my favorite writers is Charles Spurgeon, the famous 19th century pastor of the Metropolitan Tabernacle in London. Spurgeon, who emphasized the sovereignty and grace of God in saving non-believers – and who warned against the danger of overemphasizing numbers and admitting non-believers into church membership– also recognized the importance of church statistics. Read More

7 Paradigms Needed for Church Growth

With the best visions there are often paradigms towards implementation that can either help or hinder accomplishment of that vision. I have observed if you want to have a culture susceptible and open to growth then there are some common paradigms necessary. You have to think certain ways in order to reach your desired vision. In most every situation, an absence of certain actions or mindsets on the part of leaders keeps the church from moving forward. Read More

5 Reasons People Come Back to Your Church

The best way your church will break through growth barriers is to do so quickly. I hear from pastors all the time who want to break through specific attendance barriers, whether it’s 100, 150, 250, or even 1,000. Churches rarely break those kinds of barriers through gradual growth. Read More

What’s More Important for Your Church: Growth or Control?

To broaden the ministry impact of your church, you will need to make the difficult choice to give up control. You can choose control, or you can choose growth. But you can’t choose both. Read More

Understanding the Four Major Waves of Exiting Members in a Revitalization or Replant [Podcast]

People will leave the church you pastor. It’s not a matter of if, but of when. So you need to be prepared for it when it happens. Listen Now

Reclaiming the Prophetic Mantle

Biblically, there are three primary voices you can use when speaking into culture: the prophetic, the evangelistic and the heretical. Read More

The Best Book of the Bible for New Believers

If you are a new Christian, the best place to start reading in the Bible is the Gospel of Mark. Read More

One Encouragement and One Warning About Scripture Memory

The Bible doesn’t prescribe a method for scripture memorization. It simply encourages us to do it. Read More

The Worrisome Reasons Why Church Membership Is Falling

The most recent Gallup report identifies three statistical realities that have contributed to the nationwide membership decline. Read More

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