
Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Tuesday's Catch: Biblical Evangelism and More

Appalachian Mountains
 4 Characteristics of Biblical Evangelism 

Lewis Center Director Doug Powe says biblical evangelism is characterized by four key practices — proclamation, community, service, and witness. Focusing on these practices can demystify the concept of evangelism and strengthen a congregation’s evangelistic efforts. Read More

Understanding the Nominally Churched [Podcast]

To reach the nominally churched and to get them more involved in church, you must first understand them. In this episode Thom Rainer and Jonathan Howe discuss who the nominally churched are before they discuss how to reach them in the next episode. Listen Now

6 Important Truths About Blended Families and the Church

As an author and speaker on this subject, and as a child who grew up surrounded by stepfamily dynamics, here are a few things I believe church leaders should keep in mind regarding these families in their congregations. Read More

4 Ways Your Whole Bible Points to Jesus

We should be willing to learn principles of redemptive interpretation that the New Testament writers employed and exemplified. From these principles we learn that the more common approach to understanding the redemptive nature of all biblical texts is to identify how God’s Word predicts, prepares for, reflects, or results from the person and/or work of Christ. Read More

As Churches Are Demolished at Home, Chinese Christians Find Religious Freedom in Kenya

But migrants embracing God in highly Christian Nairobi are often unaware of the atheist Communist Party’s war on religion. Read More

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