
Tuesday, April 09, 2019

Tuesday's Catch: Easter Impact and More

30 Ideas for Your Church’s Easter Impact

Churches shared out-of-the-box thinking for communicating the transformational message of the cross. Here are their ideas.... Read More

7 Design Tips to Help Your Church Visitors Stick

Though well-designed environments can’t singlehandedly make your visitors stay indefinitely, a lousy design can absolutely repel your first-time guests. Here are seven design tips that will make your environments more appealing and help your visitors stick. Read More

Must Your Church Have a ‘Vision’?

After more than a decade in the church-planting world, I’ve seen many a planter crash on the rocks by pushing a vision that, in the end, can neither carry the weight of the task nor take the core group with it. And at the end of the day, we already have the compelling vision we need. Read More

Mentoring that Usually Won’t Work with Christian Millennials

I believe in mentoring, and I’ve written about the topic in a book conveniently titled, Mentor. Most of my mentoring relates to millennials, so I’ve learned some of what works and doesn’t work with this generation. At least based on my experience, here’s what doesn’t work.... Read More

Six Risks I Took As a Pastor (Including Some That Failed Miserably)[Podcast]

Taking risks is part of leadership. In this postcast Thom Rainer and Jonathan Howe discuss a few risks that Dr. Rainer took during ministry and how some worked and how some didn’t. Listen Now

Where Is Baptism in the Order of a Christian Life?

Proclaim Christ. Baptize converts. Teach Christians. At the end of the day, that’s what every church and, by implication, every Christian, ought to be about. And the order of those three commands is important. Read More
Whether your church is credobaptist or paedobaptist, if it is fulfilling the Great Commission, it should be baptizing its share of older children, teenagers, and adults, "those able to answer for themselves" and to make a profession of faith in Jesus Christ.
One-on-One with Brian Miller on Emerging Adults, Social Media and Faith

Modern technology influences young adults as they consider faith and church. Read More

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