
Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Tuesday's Catch: God's Plan through Your Life and More

God Has a Plan Through Your Life

When the New Testament talks about God’s plan, it is not always in reference to circumstances that happen to us; it also refers to blessings that happen through us. In other words, God’s plan doesn’t just involve your circumstances; it involves the blessing you pass on to others. Read More

How You Can Encourage Adoptive Parents [Video; Audio]

A discussion with Rosaria Butterfield, Tony Merida, and Dennae Pierre. Watch or Listen Now
"Christians have always cared for orphans. Over the past couple decades, we’ve seen more evangelicals than ever before become excited about and involved with adoption and foster care. Yet along with the joy of welcoming a child into a new family, adoptive parents encounter hardships, both foreseen and also unforeseen."
We Are All Theologians

We can’t truly know God or live for God until we know the facts God gives us about himself. Which is to say, we can’t truly know God as he is or live for God as he desires as long as we reject or downplay theology. Read More

Does Co-Pastoring Really Work? [Podcast]

Co-pastoring is rare but is also seen in some churches in different forms. In this podcast Thom Rainer and Jonathan Howe discuss the pros and cons of co-pastoring and some paths forward for the practice. Listen Now

Three Reasons the Deaf Need Scripture in Sign Language

The Deaf Bible Society estimates at least 95 percent of sign languages have no Bible translation. You might think, “Well, a written Bible is available—why can’t they just read that?” But there are three important reasons that text-based Scripture is not ideal—and in some instances not even feasible—for ministry among the world’s seventy million Deaf. Read More

Reducing the Stumbling Block before THE Stumbling Block

Here is the question we must ask: What are we doing to minimize our stumbling blocks so people can get to THE stumbling block? Read More

Evangelism More Prayed for Than Practiced by Churchgoers

Most Protestant churchgoers say they are eager to talk to others about Jesus and are praying for opportunities to share their faith, but most say they have not had any evangelistic conversations in the past six months. Read More

Thinking Biblically About Immigration

There are two basic, biblical, local-church principles that many evangelical churches in the West have neglected: the Great Commission and the fact we are called to love the stranger in our midst. Every congregation needs to ask itself if it reflects the composition of the counties surrounding the church; if it’s following the right biblical model, that is, as an Antioch church, not a Jerusalem church; and if it’s willing to change to become more biblical and relevant. Read More

Thank God for Western Values

Without Christ we would not have western values. Read More

Across 27 Countries, Most Don’t Mind More Religion in Society

Pew survey of 30,000 people finds a median of 39% favor, 13% oppose a “more important role for religion.” Read More

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