
Tuesday, April 02, 2019

Tuesday's Catch: The Relationship of Evangelism and Social Action and More

Evangelism and Social Action Are Close Friends

Since God does call some of us to be involved in social action, how are we to go about it without becoming just like the world we’re supposedly trying to change? We must never forget our first calling is to obey the Great Commission. We’re soldiers of the cross, not mere social activists who happen to be Christians. Read More

5 Ways to Leverage Your Easter Services

Unchurched people are more likely to attend your church on Easter than any other week of the year. How do we as church leaders leverage this cultural phenomenon and make the most of this opportunity? Here are five ways. Read More

Be Honest: Are You Dreading Easter Week?

With the biggest Sunday of the year quickly approaching, here’s a quick heart check: Am I dreading Easter? Read More

4 Tips for Cultivating an Effective Multigenerational Worship Experience

Churches across the world are rediscovering the power of multigenerational worship. More and more, churches are uniting in worship and leaving behind stylistic divisions that often segregate generations from each other in worship. Read More

When to Discontinue a Ministry

Churches and church leaders often struggle to know when to discontinue a ministry or to pivot to something else. In this podcast Thom Rainer and Jonathan Howe discuss how to process the decision to discontinue a ministry in your church. Listen Now

How Leaders Shape Their Ministries

Winston Churchill is credited with the insightful quote, “We shape our buildings and our buildings shape us.” He was correct; the buildings we gather in shape the culture of those in the buildings. The statement can be applied to other influences as our ministries and organizations are shaped by more than the buildings we utilize. Here are 10 things that leaders shape that in turn shape the organizations those leaders lead. Read More

Why We Envy Bi-Vocational Pastors

Here are some reasons many of us admire and perhaps envy (just a tad) the bi-vocational pastor.... Read More

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