
Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Wednesday's Catch: Christ-Sharing Churches and More

3 Keys to Leading Your Church to Become More Evangelistic

One signpost of growing disciples is that they share Christ with others. Read More

Launch Strong: Avoid 16 Common Multisite Mistakes

A failure in any of these core areas is often responsible for anemic campuses or campus closures. Read More

Simply Put: A New Podcast That Explains Theology in Simple Terms

Tim Challies put it this way. "What a great idea for a podcast! Ligonier Ministries just released the first episode of Simply Put. 'Simply Put is a new weekly podcast to help you build your Christian vocabulary. Each episode explains a different theological term in clear, concise language and shares stories and illustrations that apply it to your life.' I agree. Read More

Are all Sins Equal?

It’s common to think all sins are equal. But this is mistaken and will affect the church’s mission. Read More

What To Do When Your Ministry Passion Doesn’t Match Your Ministry Skill Set

You can apply the skills God gave you without denying the passion he planted in you. Read More

6 Reasons We Pastors Get Stuck in the Christian Bubble

Last year, I wrote a post about “9 Ways to Get outside the Christian Bubble.” When I teach material on the living in the bubble—a problem that I think many church leaders face—it’s interesting that newer believers don’t always understand the concept. They’re often still connected to a lost world, and they can’t imagine why believers would get disconnected from the lost. Here are several reasons this disconnect happens.... Read More

9 Encouragements for Pastors Who Want to Quit [Video]

In this Rainer Report Thom Rainer offers words of encouragement for pastors who are thinking of quitting. Watch Now

5 Things You Should Never Say During Announcements at Your Church

When done well, announcements can be the part of the service that moves people to action. Every weekend you have five minutes to move people towards engagement with the church’s mission. What an incredible opportunity! Read More

12 Tips for Breathing New Life Into Your Groups Ministry

any groups ministry can regain health and strength as it goes about the important task of making disciples. Here are 12 actions you can take to breathe life into your Bible study groups. Read More

Staying on Mission in the Age of Outrage

How do Christians respond in a Christ-honoring way to a world awash in division and hostility? Read More

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