
Monday, May 06, 2019

Alert to Readers: Inappropriate and Objectionable Links

While checking the old articles that had been posted on Anglicans Ablaze and which had been read within the last 24 hours, I came across an excerpt from an old article that had been linked to a porn site. I have deleted the link to the porn site. The link should have been to an article on the Episcopal Church published on and around August 24, 2006, not to a porn site.

I check my blog stats daily, including the posts that are receiving heavy traffic each hour of the day as well as for the entire day. I like to know what visitors to Anglicans Ablaze are reading. I check old links to see if the link is working and the article is still on the Internet. I also have an ongoing problem with escort services and the like using the comment sections of articles to advertise sex workers and to promote sex trafficking.

 If you come across a porn site that that has been linked to a old article or a link to an escort service in a comment section, please notify me.

I appreciate your help in monitoring Anglicans Ablaze for inappropriate and objectionable links.

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