
Friday, May 24, 2019

Friday's Catch: First Time Guest No-Nos and More

10 Things Not to Do to First-Time Guests

We all know about making “to do” lists; less frequently pursued are “stop doing” lists. But sometimes, that’s the more important list to make—particularly when it comes to what the church should stop doing to first-time guests. So in that spirit, here are 10 things every church of any size should stop doing—and not only should, but can.... Read More

What’s Wrong With The Church Today? Nothing That Hasn’t Been Wrong Every Other Day

God has always used imperfect people and imperfect churches, because that’s all there is to work with. Read More

Do You Desire to Pastor

Do you feel called? If you’re serving as a pastor, do you want to be in your role? I don’t mean do you want to be in the exact church you’re in, but do you want to pastor? Do you desire to serve God’s people as a shepherd? Read More

Did the Church Decide Which Books Made It into the Bible? [Video]

The church did not create the canon but rather reacted to what was already there. You might say it was like a thermometer that reliably responded to God’s Word. In this brief clip, Michael Kruger uses a helpful analogy from everyday life to demonstrate the Protestant view of the canon. Watch Now

Five Ways to Lead Your Groups to Become Outwardly Focused [Podcast]

Groups are one of the most important factors in getting people to stick with a church. The community that is built in groups helps your church members become more well-rounded disciples. In this podcast Thom Rainer and Jonathan Howe discuss five ways to make your groups more outwardly focused. Listen Now

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