
Friday, May 10, 2019

Friday's Catch: 'What Is the Gospel?' and More

What Is the Gospel? [Video]

A sermon that Louisville pastor Greg Gilbert preached at Wheaton College, Wheaton IL. Gilbert is author of What Is the Gospel?, "a clear, straightforward statement of the gospel, the third mark of a healthy church." Watch Now

Overcoming Confirmation Bias About Church Size, Health And Effectiveness

Confirmation bias causes us to see the successes of the big, fast-growing churches, but only the problems in the small, steady church. Read More

Parents Need Villages, Not Just Public Policies

American families are floundering for support. The church is a great place to start. Read More
A principle that the pastor of Journey Church here in Murray has encouraged church members and regular attendees to adopt is "see a need, meet a need." He may have not come up with this principle but it is a good one. Churches can become support systems for parents, in particular for solo parents. Having a support system can make real difference for parents. One of the tasks that I had as a social worker was helping parents establish a reliable support system for themselves, identifying people who they could rely upon to help them care for their children. A church that shows that it is genuinely concerned for the well-being of a parent or parents is also likely to gain hearing from the parent or parents. Love of neighbor, however, should be our primary motive for helping them. If they are not responsive to the gospel, we should not abandon them. We should keep loving them and helping them. God may use someone else to reach them and our love and help may prepare the ground for the planting of that seed. God works in ways that we do not always understand. A parent my not come to faith but a child of that parent may. Loving others irrespective of the outcome is what Christians are called to do.
6 Ways Your Church Can Help Mothers Drowning in Stress

As a pastor, I am a “prisoner of hope” when it comes to the belief that the church can always be the voice of proclaiming a better way and offering a more robust imagination for how things can be. If American mothers are drowning in stress, what can we do? What should our posture be? Here are six ways the church can help.... Read More

4 Hurdles to Clear Before Streaming Your Worship Services

Churches are wise to approach this exciting opportunity with the same care as any of their decisions about ministry. Here are a few of the hurdles to clear as you venture into this expansion of your ministry. Read More

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