
Monday, May 13, 2019

Monday's Catch: The Challenges of Infrequent Church Attendance and More

3 Challenges Created by Infrequent Church Attendance

A big shift occurred in the last several years around frequency of church attendance and here are three challenges for us ministry leaders.... Read More

Lessons Learned Since ‘Autopsy of a Deceased Church’

On this fifth anniversary celebration of Autopsy of a Deceased Church. Here are six things we’ve learned. Read More

7 Reasons Church Revitalization is Usually a Long Process

My friend Thom Rainer, who is the founder and CEO of Church Answers (an online community and resource for church leaders that I highly recommend), says that most church revitalizations take more than five years. That might seem discouraging for some church leaders, but it’s reality. Here are some reasons why revitalization takes a while – and why church revitalizers can’t give up quickly. Read More

6 Ways to Fight Frustration by Becoming Part of the Solution

Meredith Cook offers six ways that we can make ourselves a part of the solution to the local church's problems. Read More

7 Ideas for an Effective Care Ministry

It takes plenty of people to carry out such a care ministry in the context of the local church. This is why church leaders can’t do it all—and for that matter, neither can a select few volunteers. Instead, it takes the whole church to care for the whole church. Read More

Seven Consequences for the Church Staff When a Pastor Leaves

Many church members do not fully grasp how disruptive a pastor’s departure is to the remaining staff. The staff are left behind, even if it’s not in an eschatological sense. Look at some of the possible consequences for church staff. Read More

Putting the “Service” Back in Worship Service

Week after week, many of us attend a worship served not a worship service. Read More

With All Your Heart, Soul, Wi-Fi, and Websites

Stephen Lowe offers a biblical defense of online spiritual formation. Read More

Welcome to Church. Want to Take a Selfie?

With photo booths for special occasions, Instagram-friendly congregations navigate the tension between sharing faith and showing off. Read More

God Weaves Your Story Into His for His Glory

One of the most effective tools in your evangelism toolbelt is your testimony; the story of how the gospel shapes your life. There are times that your testimony serves as a real-life illustration. Other times, it serves as the main content of the conversation. If you end with a question like, “Has anything like this ever happened to you?” It invites others to trust Christ too. Read More

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