
Monday, May 06, 2019

Monday's Catch: The Importance of Invitability and More

5 Questions About Invitability And Its Impact on Your Church

“Invitability” describes how a church is growing its ability to have its people invite friends and family. It’s a key approach at the core of thriving churches. Read More

We Set Off to Reach a Remote Tribe in the Amazon. Turns Out, They Were Waiting for Us.

As young Brazilian missionaries, we learned to depend on God and the people we journeyed to reach. Read More
A moving testimony to how the Lord works.
8 Simple (but not easy) Rules for Movement: Part 1 - Owning Our Commission

Over the next eight Mondays, we will examine each of these rules. Read More

Slow and Steady Wins the Church Growth Race

When experiencing fast growth, churches tend to make decisions in a short amount of time that can have a long-lasting effect on the health and direction of the congregation. Here are a few dangers to consider when experiencing fast church growth. Read More

The Church in a Post-Willow Creek World

is adapted from a presentation by David Fitch given at the plenary session at Missio Alliance Awakenings 2019. The excerpt originally appeared on You can pre-order all conference audio here. Read More

Six Characteristics of Pastors you need to Avoid

Not everyone who identifies themselves as a pastor, or religious teacher, should be listened to. Peter warned the believers in his day, “But false prophets arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies…” (2 Pet. 2:1) The church today needs pastors who will faithfully represent Jesus in their preaching and lifestyles. If you sit under this type of ministry, give thanks to God. If you’re not sure whether you do, here are six characteristics of pastors you need to avoid.... Read More

15 Different Types of Pastoral Leaders

Few of us who are pastors excel in – or even enjoy – every aspect of pastoral ministry. Most of us have a few areas we greatly enjoy, a few areas that stretch us uncomfortably, and many areas in the middle. When we recognize the extremes at either end, we’re better prepared to capitalize on our strengths and force ourselves to do our best under God’s grace in our weaker areas. Read More

3 Reasons Christians Gather on The Lord’s Day

You’re the pastor and you’re called to shepherd God’s sheep. So, rather than just wish everyone did what they’re supposed to, why not pastor your flock to understand why they should gather with the church every Lord’s Day? Read More
I would tell them the full story--how the early Christians also gathered with the church throughout the week and how the early Church had daily gatherings for worship and instruction in morning and the evening. While I think that it is important to emphasize gathering on the Lord's Day, some people cannot attend our Sunday gatherings due to their work schedules. We should not only offer them the opportunity to gather with the church on other days beside Sunday and at other times beside the morning, but also teach them that what is most important is gathering with the church and not when.
10 Strategies for Recruiting Group Leaders

Even though the real success of our endeavors belongs to the Lord—let’s think about the human side of the work of recruiting people, and let’s look at some best practices when we recruit. Read More

The Gospel is Offensive, but You Shouldn’t Be

Sometimes—unfortunately, a lot of the time—instead of letting the gospel offend, we ourselves do the offending by how we speak and interact with others. Read More

Photo Credit: St. Barnabas Anglican Church, Bellville TX

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