
Monday, May 20, 2019

Monday's Catch: Making and Multiplying Disciples and More

8 Simple (but not easy) Rules for Movement: Part 3 - Making and Multiplying Kingdom Disciples

Multiplication is what Jesus’ people do. Read More

Norway: Recruit From the Fringes

Fourteen years ago, Gjerme and his wife, Gina, founded Salt Church Bergen with six couples meeting in their living room. The church today has seven locations, drawing a combined total of some 1,200 adults and children each weekend across 11 services. Among the adults, almost 80 percent are involved as volunteers at some level. The church has only seven paid staff members, with volunteers leading at every level. Read More

3 Steps for a Successful Church Launch

Here are a few steps that you can take to ensure your church plant launches well. Read More

10 Inexpensive Ways to Develop People on Your Team

When budgets are stretched, development often is pushed to the back burner or cut altogether from the budget. This is dangerous for a team, which wishes to remain healthy and continue growing. If a team is not learning and improving it will soon struggle to maintain any level of success. It’s important, therefore, to find ways to develop even with stressed budgets. Read More

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