
Saturday, May 04, 2019

Practical Preaching Advice for Pastors and Lay Preachers #48

Your Preaching Is Unique

Preaching is not what we do; it's what we are. Read More

5 Signs Your Church Has an Unhealthy Preaching Culture

How do you know if your church is developing unhealthy preaching culture? Sure, there are obvious signs such as people falling asleep, playing games, or roaming the hallways during the sermon. But I think at that point, your church is just spiritually dead. There are subtle warning signs that I think churches should spot as signs of unhealthiness. What are those signs? Here are five.... Read More

The Very Best Way To Connect With Your Listeners (And How To Do It)

Sure, it's simple: but that doesn't mean it's easy to do. Read More

The Three Pillars of Powerful Public Speaking

Effective public speaking is like a stool held up by three pillars: the who, the what, and the how. It’s not like you; It can’t stand on two legs. You need all three to be good. If you want to be effective, you have to understand this basic concept. Let me explain. Read More

The Difference between Preaching and Motivationl Speaking

What is it that sets a sermon apart from any other speech? Read More

Do You Preach Around The Text, Or Do You Preach The Text?

After listening to sermons all these years, I have concluded preachers either talk before the text or talk around the text but rarely talk about the text. Read More

How We Moved From Theological To Therapeutic Preaching--And Why It Matters

Some pastors preach messages that show they spend more time studying behaviorism and sociology than they do the Scriptures. Read More

10 Ways to Shepherd Your Church from the Pulpit this Weekend

Some of my students hear “shepherding,” and they think of pastoral care like hospital visitation, crisis counseling, and one-on-one discipleship. They don’t often think about shepherding from the pulpit; in fact, they practically separate shepherding from the preaching event. I’m convinced, though, that we can shepherd from the pulpit. Here are some ways to do so.... Read More

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