
Saturday, May 18, 2019

Practical Preaching Advice for Pastors and Lay Preachers #50

Why Every Sermon Should Be A Life-Changing Sermon

This will probably get me into trouble: I’m persuaded that there’s too much mediocrity in the church when it comes to pastors preparing and delivering their sermons. Read More

3 Ways to Freshen Your Preaching

Here are three ideas I regularly use to keep fresh that you might find helpful.... Read More

Are Your Illustrations Fresh? Use This 9-Point Checklist

Every illustration should "let the light in." Do yours? Read More

3 Reasons Why I Give My Listeners Homework (And Why You Should, Too)

When we ask something more of our congregation we will quickly discover whether we are preaching for spiritual entertainment or spiritual formation. Read More

Why Preaching MIGHT Be a Walk in the Park

Some of my sermon preparation doesn't look like preparation. In all honesty it can look rather like walking. Read More

One Simple, Vital Question You Should Ask Immediately After Preaching

Ask this--before the allure of a relaxing Sunday afternoon or the pressures of starting the week on Monday morning win out. Read More

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