
Thursday, May 16, 2019

The Phygital Church

There’s a new, and important, word: “phygital.”

It reflects the growing necessity for the seamless flow between the physical and the digital. As an article on Bizcommunity put it, in relation to the retail world:

Innovative phygital business models, where bricks and mortar and digital seamlessly integrate, are popping up across the globe. But the best phygital experiences still remain aligned with old-school sales strategies: customer attraction, retention, engagement, experiences, loyalty and the brand itself. The factors that keep shifting are shopping behaviour and new technology. The upshot is: to keep in the retail game, phygital is the way to go and it’s currently an adapt or die situation.

And here are the six ways it suggests that “adapt or die” applies.... Read More
Whether or not we may like it, the world around us is changing. We are living in the digital age. We can no longer "do church" like it was done in the 1950s or even the 1980s. We have to get our priorities straight. What is more important--clinging to a past that is never going to return or fulfilling Christ's commission to his Church to spread the gospel and make disciples in the present day?

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