
Thursday, May 30, 2019

Thursday's Catch: The Importance of Ascension Day and More

Four Reasons Why Ascension Day Matters

Christmas and Easter have front and center significance to the Christian faith. As they should! However, there’s another Christian day that should be thought of in this light often forgotten by many Christians. Friends, Ascension Day is just as significant as Christmas and Easter. Read More

What Jesus’s Ascension Does for Us

It may be the most important doctrine you never think about. It’s in the Bible. It’s in the Apostles’ Creed. And it’s something the church commemorates today, May 30. I’m talking about the ascension of Jesus (Luke 24:50–51; Acts 1:9–11). Read More

The ‘Marks’ of Our Churches: Keeping from Mission Drift

What are the things that undergird the church itself? Read More

3 Reasons Your Church’s Mission Doesn’t Have To Be Different To Be Effective

There are great dangers in thinking that a church has to do something unique to fulfill their mission. Read More

Seven Things A Church Website Should Communicate When a Church Is Revitalizing

Church websites play just an important role in church revitalization. In this episode Thom Rainer and Jonathan Howe we discuss some basic tips on how to best use your church’s website to help in revitalization. Listen Now

John Stott’s Simple Secret for Spiritual Productivity

At age 29, John Stott was overwhelmed with his ministry responsibilities as rector of All Souls Church. How would he manage all the administrative tasks? How would he spiritually nourish himself enough to feed those he served? Read More

The Worship Leader’s Guide to Creating A Contagious, Healthy Team Culture

As a leader, there’s nothing more important than defining and protecting your team’s culture. Read More

Six Things to Do This Summer to Create Effective fall Groups

You’ve heard the expression, “A stitch in time saves nine.” That simple phrase reminds us that we don’t wait until a major repair is needed; we can do some preventative maintenance now so that we don’t have to deal with a major issue in the future. That old saying works for clothing, and it also works for Bible study groups. Here are six things you can do now to be ready for the opportunities that will come your group’s way this fall. Read More

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