
Thursday, May 23, 2019

Thursday's Catch: Verbal Witness and Proclamation of the Gospel and More

When You Proclaim the Gospel, Use Words

Those who have been changed and shaped by the gospel cannot help but speak and share the gospel. Read More

The Plague of Lazy Pastors

Christ calls pastors to labor in their feeding of the flock through sound teaching. And diligent word-work — both in preparation and presentation — is not easy work, not when it is done well. Read More

10 Suggestions for Making a Friend as a Pastor

In 2015, Chuck Lawless wrote an article called “Five Reason Some Pastors Are Loners – and Why That’s Not Good.” For the past seven years I’ve had the privilege of seeking to strengthen the ministry of pastors, and I count myself among their number. I believe loneliness and friendlessness are a threat to our wellness and to finishing well. So, I’d like to offer ten suggestions for making friends as a pastor....Read More

Five Options to Consider if You Are Fed Up with Your Church [Podcast]

“What should I do when I’m ready to quit?” That question is faced every week by countless pastors across the country. In this podcast Thom Rainer and Jonathan Howe we cover how best to respond to it. Listen Now

5 Reasons People Aren't Showing Up for Your Small Group

It can be very disheartening to prepare for your small group and then have no one show up. It’s sometimes worse if only one person comes! Here are a few factors to think about if no one signs up or shows up for the group.... Read More
Sometimes a small group just does not jell. We ask a six week commitment from new participants. During this time they can decide whether a particular small group is for them. I have participated in a number of small groups as well as co-led a number of them. The couple whose group that I left after the initially six weeks, the only group in which have participated for that shorter time, were too structured in the way they conducted the group meetings. Everyone had to take off their shoes. Everyone had to sit at the dining table and eat a meal before the meeting. And so on. The groups in which I have participated the longest have been more relaxed. On the other hand, some participants like that kind of structure. You may have to encourage people to try several groups before they find one which is a good match for them. For this reason it is a good idea to offer a wide variety of groups in a wide variety of settings.
5 Tips for Short Mission Presentations

In this changing world, how can a traditional missionary maximize that 3–5 minute segment he or she may get at a local church? Here’s my advice.... Read More

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