
Thursday, May 02, 2019

Thursday's Post: 'Assimilation & Our Churches' and More

Due to an area high speed internet service outage I have been unable to post anything on Anglicans Ablaze until this afternoon. I am taking advantage of what I hope is more than a temporary fix to post today's issue of Anglicans Ablaze.

Assimilation & Our Churches: Do We Do It Well?

For those in church leadership, the issue of assimilation typically comes with questions of effectiveness and strategy. Truth be told, there is no one-size-fits-all plan for assimilation in every church. Read More

Why You Shouldn’t Join My Church

Transfer growth is just a part of church life. Sometimes it’s for good reasons. Other times, for not very good reasons Read More

Launching Groups in Smaller Churches

When it comes to launching groups in a smaller church, there is a dilemma. There aren’t many great models. Most materials and training about small groups come from pastors of megachurches. Their models don’t work well in smaller churches. What works in a large church typically doesn’t work well in a smaller church, but what works in a small church will work in any church. Read More

Five Ways to Help Protect Your Kids from Sexual Abuse

There is a growing alertness among parents, educators, and the church about the need to teach kids tangible ways to stay safe. Until children are old enough to keep themselves safe, it is the job of parents and concerned adults to prepare them to navigate difficult situations that may occur when they are away from us. For this reason, it is always the right time to be educating children on concrete, age-appropriate safety skills. Read More

What to Do When a Congregant Expresses Suicidal Thoughts

Suicide represents the tenth leading cause of death in the United States according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. How can you prepare? What do you do when a congregant wants to talk about suicide? Do they need to go to the hospital? How can you help them as their pastor? Read More

Some Thoughts On Who Made God

Last Sunday I began a new sermon series on the Gospel of John. As all of you are undoubtedly aware, the so-called “Prologue” to John’s gospel, chapter one, verses 1-18, is quite breathtaking! On Sunday we looked at seven things John says about the “Word” in vv. 1-5. Here I want to mention only two of them. Read More

Translating the Story of the Bible for Oral Cultures

Of the 7.7 billion people in the world, 5.7 billion are oral preference learners according to the International Orality Network. They further estimate that there are 1,961 predominately oral unengaged, unreached people groups who don’t have a single verse of Scripture in their heart language. Read More

A Bible for Every Language

In the year 2010, ten of the nation’s largest Bible translators (American Bible Society, Biblica, Deaf Bible Society, Lutheran Bible Translators, Pioneer Bible Translators, SIL International, Seed Company, The Word for the World, United Bible Societies, and Wycliffe Bible Translators USA) came together to determine how together they could eradicate Bible poverty. Out of that meeting came the Every Tribe Every Nation (ETEN) alliance where they all agreed to pool their resources and collaborate with the goal of having at least a portion of Scripture translated in every living language by the year 2033. Read More

What Biblical Command Do Americans Consider the Most Important?

When asked the greatest command, Jesus pointed to admonitions to love God and love others. When American Bible users were asked, they chose a different Old Testament passage. Read More

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