
Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Tuesday's Catch: Church Budgets and More

5 Things Every Pastor Needs to Know About the Church Budget

So often as pastors, we largely dismiss the budget as something quite unrelated to our work. But your budget is probably the best record of what your church really values. More than your website, more than your glossy brochures, more than what you say you value. And that means that moving toward a healthier church will necessarily involve moving toward a healthier church budget. Read More

Facility Crises and How Churches Are Responding [Podcast]

Almost every church has some kind of facility issue. From being too big or not big enough, facilities rarely match the pace of a church’s growth or decline. In this podcast Thom Rainer and Jonathan Howe discuss these facility changes and the needs found in many churches across America. Listen Now

Five Essential Elements of Transformational Small Groups

Transformational discipleship involves moving people from sitting in rows, where they are simply in proximity to one another, to sitting in circles. From there, they move into community with one another. Read More

The Great Confusion about Missions

Sharing the gospel with your neighbor who has never heard a clear presentation of the gospel (but could if you’d just cross the street), feeding empty bellies, caring for the homeless and for widows and orphans in places where churches already exist are all important ministries and shouldn’t be neglected, but are they really missions? Today, our ever-broadening definition of missions has led to the idea that every follower of Christ is a missionary. Read More

Why You Should Not Call Me a Missionary

I’m not a missionary. I live in a different country than the one I grew up in. I’m learning a new language. I live here in order to share the gospel and encourage church planting. But I’m not a missionary. Or, at least, I don’t call myself a missionary. What am I? Read More

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