
Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Tuesday's Catch: False Teaching and More

8 Ways that False Teaching Infiltrates the Church

How does false teaching make its way into today’s church? Here are a few ways it happens.... Read More

5 Smarter Ways To Embrace Infrequent Church Attenders

How do you interact with infrequent church attendees who don't seem to be embracing the mission of your church the way you hoped they would? It's simple. You embrace them anyway. Read More

Why We Don’t Fix What’s Broken in Our Ministries

Russell St. Bernard identifies the three main reasons that we don't fix things we know are wrong in our ministries. Read More

5 Money Shifts Every Church Should Make

When it comes to money and the church, things are changing. Churches who are on the front end of this change will be poised to grow, while churches who neglect these shifts may start or continue to struggle with financial health. Here are five shifts that I think leaders need to make in regard to how we talk about money in the church. Read More
A related article is "8 Reasons Churches Need to Teach Budgeting."
Hiring Several Part-time Staff Rather Than One Full-time Staffer [Podcast]

The way churches hire staff is changing. In this episode of Rainer on Leadership ThomRainer and Jonathan Howe begin a three-part series on emerging trends in the church with a discussion on church staffing. Listen Now

Why Christianity Quit Growing in Korea

Christianity has stalled in South Korea. Growth has slowed down, and church attendance has begun to shrink. These developments have prompted a season of repentance in the Korean Church and the exploration of new ways to minister to the Korean people and the world in the 21st century. Read More

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