
Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Wednesday's Catch: Gospel Centrality and More

Church Is Gospel-Centered? Start with the Pulpit.

One of the best ways to “test” gospel-centrality in the life of a church plant is to look at the pulpit. A church may have “gospel-centered” peppered throughout their statement of beliefs and on their website, but one of clearest places to see whether gospel-centrality is a real value—or simply a buzzword—is when the pastor preaches God’s Word on Sunday. Read More

How to Recognize the Behaviors of a Traumatized Child

Are you are aware of the many crises children today experience? A trauma-informed church understands how a crisis affects a child. Experiencing a life crisis can lead to some children exhibiting particular characteristics of being “traumatized.” Read More

What Makes a Good Pastor?

Teaching ability is a must, of course, but woe to the church that lays hands on a man merely because he can preach. Read More

Worship Music Doesn’t Just Set the Table

Some believe the purpose of our worship service music is just to set the table. But the goal of our service music isn’t just to prepare our hearts for something else. It’s not the undercard before the main event. It isn’t the warm-up band before the headliner. So it doesn’t just set the table for the sermon. Read More

Websites that Impact the World

We build websites that remove the barrier your site is putting between your audience and your message. Learn More

The Difference between Shiite and Sunni Muslims and Why It Matters

Lutherans and Baptists are basically the same. Wrong, and both groups would likely agree on that point. Neither is it true that all Muslims are the same. Of the over 1.5 billion Muslims in the world, around 85 percent of them are a sect called Sunni and 15 percent of them are a sect called Shia. Read More

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