
Wednesday, May 08, 2019

Wednesday's Catch: The Importance of Focus in Ministry and More

Why You Can’t ‘Chase Two Rabbits’ in Ministry

Chasing two rabbits is no way to live and no way to lead. Yet ministry leaders, and leaders in general, constantly are tempted to chase two rabbits (or more). Here are three common places where an unfocused approach often manifests itself in church ministry.... Read More
Eric Geiger co-authored Simple Church: Returning to God's Process for Making Disciples. A related article by Eric Geiger is "Fast Food Menus and Church Ministry." See also Two Strategic Drifts in Churches and How to Address Them, Simple Church Epilogue Part 1, Simple Church Epilogue Part 2, and Simple Church Epilogue Part 3.
Where Do You Park Your Car at Church?

What would your church look like to a person coming for the first time? Read More

Why Did Jesus Need to Be Baptized?

Baptism wasn’t just something Jesus commanded his followers to do, but an experience he also underwent. As familiar as we may be with the Gospel accounts, the fact that Jesus submitted himself to baptism may still strike us as odd. Read More

Risks and Joys of Giving God a Blank Check

More than four years ago, I wrote a post on “8 Reasons for Leaders to Give God a Blank Check.” More recently, some things have happened to raise this issue for me again. First, I’m older (old enough now to be asking preliminary questions about when I’ll retire)—and I’m forced to ask if I’m willing to do whatever God asks of me, regardless of my age or my position in ministry. Second, I’ve watched others I know give God that blank check, and their faith is stretching me. So, I’m thinking out loud with you today.... Read More

Church Membership: Following the Lord Together

The latest issue of 9Marks Journal is online. Read Online or Download Free

Churchgoers Build Relationships, But Often Without Discipleship

Building relationships with other believers seems to come naturally to Protestant churchgoers, however, for many, those relationships are built apart from Bible study and spiritual growth. Read More

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