
Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Wednesday's Catch: "Where are the African Evangelicals?" and More

Where are the African Evangelicals?

Where are the Evangelicals in Africa? Wherever there are men, women, churches and seminaries committed to proclaiming Christ’s finished work of salvation found on the pages of the Old and New Testaments. Read More

The [Functional] Great Commission of Churches in North America

For all kinds of reasons, the words “church” and “growth” have become embarrassing when put side by side. Yet just because the lingo of the Church Growth Movement has departed from our lips doesn’t mean that the model isn’t still firmly rooted in our hearts and minds. Though the facade of church growth has been stripped off our institutions, the bones of the house are right where they’ve always been. Read More

5 Habits of Evangelistic Churches

As I observe churches who year after year are seeing many people saved and baptized, I have come to the conclusion that there are five key components or habits in the life of a church that leads them to evangelistic effectiveness. I pray these will assist your church in reaching more people for Jesus than ever before. Read More

Let’s Go Fishing!

We cannot control who receives Jesus as their lord and savior. We cannot even control who is receptive to the gospel or coming to our new church. We can control how and where we spend our time and share the gospel. Read More

9 Types of Effective Evangelism and Church Invitations

Some discussions and types of invitations to church seem to be more effective for certain groups. Think about these statistics when planning your next church outreach. Read More

How to See Human-Trafficking Victims, Even in Your Church

Vulnerable is written for the reader who is anguished about human trafficking but has no clue what to do. Read More

6 Ways to Increase Corporate Prayer in Your Church

Like anything in a church, prayer will not increase without intentionality. Your church won’t become a praying church by accident. It takes focus, repetition, and a sensitivity to the Spirit to see a vibrant corporate prayer life in your congregation. That intentionality can be fostered through these six acts.... Read More

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