
Friday, June 14, 2019

Friday's Catch: The Role of Professional Ministry Leaders and More

An Apology to the Christian 99%, from the 1%

You don’t exist to help professional ministry leaders fulfill the Great Commission. We exist to help you do it. Read More

How Churches without Kids Can Reach Millennials with Kids [Podcast]

Thom Rainer and Jonathan Howe's generational series continues in this podcast as they discuss the struggles and opportunities churches face when reaching younger families. Listen Now

5 Ways the Church Can Stand in the Gap for the Fatherless

Daniel Darling offers five ways that churches can stand in the gap for the fatherless. Read More

Building a Culture of Multiplication

Here’s how we’ve built an organizational structure in our church that sustains health, growth and multiplication. Read More

6 Tips for Reaching Your Next Generation Supporters

For your ministry to survive and thrive long-term, you need to start thinking about how to reach next-gen givers. Read More

7 Tips on How to Survive an Ordination Exam

I have often been asked about whether I have any pieces of advice for students entering into this process. Although this is by no means exhaustive, here are a few thoughts that I hope are helpful.... Read More

Be Present as a Leader

Leading in person can form a stronger team and culture. Read More

5 Ways to Recruit New Members into Your Small Group

Do you want to recruit new members into your small group but don’t know the first thing about recruiting? Here are 5 ways to get you and your group members started.... Read More

Should Technology Be Allowed at Small Group Meetings?

Should you stop your small group members from using their mobile devices during meetings? The answer to this question can be complicated and different for each group. Read More
Cell phones are permitted in my small group. Participants use them to look up passages from Scripture on their Bible apps and definitions of words on online dictionaries. If a participant spends too much time looking at his cell phone screen, the leader will gently asking him what he is looking at and invite him to tell the other participants about it. The group leader may then repeat the question or topic the group is discussing and asking him what he thinks. Participants will check their cell phones from time to time but it is rare for someone to become engrossed in a game or something else on his cell phone and tune out the group.
One More reason Why We Stink at Evangelism

The 13th reason why we stink at evangelism is simply that people don’t actually know what the gospel is, or if they do know it, they struggle to articulate it in face-to-face conversations with unbelievers. Feeling ill-equipped to explain the gospel, they look for ways to avoid interaction with non-Christians. So what is the gospel? Read More

No More Confrontational Evangelism Please

Confrontational evangelism: "the kind of evangelism that communicates the Gospel in an abrasive, in-your-face way." Read More

4 Things That Keep Christians from Sharing the Gospel

What is it about the gospel that tempts people to feel ashamed? Even the Apostle Paul indicated that some people are going to feel this way (Rom. 1:16). Tim Keller says in his book Romans 1–7 for You that there are four reasons modern Christians feel ashamed of the gospel.... Read More

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