
Friday, June 07, 2019

Friday's Catch: The Skill Set of Small Church Pastors and More

Small Church Pastors Have A Different Skill Set, Not A Lesser One

When we judge ministry success by only one characteristic (numerical growth) we miss what other pastors can teach us. Read More

Aid Cuts Threaten Central American Women and Children

IJM: Loving our neighbors abroad means giving them the kind of police we want for our own communities. Read More

10 Things That Ain’t Church (Some Thoughts on Irregular and Declining Church Attendance)

You don't go to church, you are the church. But the 'you' in you are the church is plural, not singular. Church is bigger than you. Read More

5 Questions to Ask When Your Church Isn’t Growing

If you’re in a slump or see one coming, what do you do? One of the best things any leader can do when they’re in a tough spot is to stop making assumptions and start asking questions. Our assumptions got us to where we are, but they won’t necessarily get us where we need to go. Here are 5 telling questions every leader can ask when their church stops growing.... Read More

How to Handle Governance in Multisite Churches

I am often asked what is the best governance model for a multisite church. The answer is the same for any healthy church or organization—one that works! Read More

7 Steps to Move Members into Ministry

How do you move members into ministry? Here are some basic principles we learned in a study published in my book, Membership Matters. That particular study is now dated, but our findings since then still confirm these steps. Read More

3 Ways to Cultivate a Congregation That Serves

The goal of a maturing disciple is to become more like Jesus. Jesus loves others, and we are to love others. Jesus served others, and we are to serve others. Our service to Christ and others is carried out in three ways.... Read More

Why Are Calvinists So Mean?

The stereotype of the mean Calvinist exists for a reason. There’s a reason, after all, that clichés become clichés. If you spend any time in evangelical social media or have a more traveled experience in evangelical churches, you’ve been on the receiving end of a mean Calvinist before. If you’re like me, you’ve wondered at some point, “Why do those who subscribe to the doctrines of grace frequently seem so graceless? Is there something in particular about Calvinism that makes people mean?” Read More

And God Said to Pastors: Use More Sermon Puns and Plan More Parties

Three reasons to practice levity and humor in public worship. Read More

3 Things to Look for in Choosing Hymns for Corporate Worship

The hymns of the church ought to be built on, shaped by, and saturated with the Word of God. Read More

Be the Church that Embraces Children, Not Just Tolerates Them

There are two kinds of churches. Those that embrace children, and those that tolerate children. Most churches are not rude towards kids, and I’ve never seen a church sign stating “No Kids Allowed.” However, the families visiting your church will know whether you embrace their kids or not. The churches who welcome children have a higher likelihood of families returning—not just once but often! Read More

Three Keys to Witness as Worship: Evangelism in a Marketing-Weary World

How does Christian evangelism distinguish itself from the commercialized cacophony surrounding us? How do we as Christians genuinely invite people to receive the Gospel message without simply repurposing worldly marketing mechanisms to do so? I would suggest that there are at least three distinctives that help us separate Christian evangelism from the incessant sales-pitches that permeate our society. Read More

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