
Monday, June 03, 2019

Monday's Catch: Church Size and Ministry Capability and More

This May Be The Most Disruptive, Counterintuitive Truth In Church Leadership Today

Churches don’t need to get bigger to do great ministry. Many small churches are doing it already. Read More

Communicating the Truth About Your Church's Priorities

It’s very possible American churches need a radical reevaluation of their priorities. While we’ve been emphasizing initial decisions, numeric growth, and “worship experiences,” we’ve likely been missing out on communicating what God ultimately values—which isn’t success so much as faithfulness. So how would we communicate the values of faithfulness to our congregations and to a watching world? A few ways.... Read More

6 Ways to Counter "Consumer Christianity"

It’s no secret that North American Christianity has a ring of consumerism to it. It can be a self-centered, “what will you provide for me” religion that invites churchgoers to move from church to church until they find what most pleases them. Here are six ways to counter that tendency, however.... Read More

7 Reasons People Attend Your Church More Than 2-3 Times A Year

As you read through the list, honestly consider each statement, asking yourself if it’s true in your church. If not, how can you help make it true? How you handle any of these can touch a heart and change a life. Read More Hypocritical to Avoid Sexual Immorality but Allow Tattoos?

What’s the deal with Christians and Leviticus? The fact that Christians file Leviticus under “Old Testament” in their Bibles should be a clue that our relationship with Leviticus is not quite as straightforward as the pundits on either side imagine. Here are four approaches Christians take. Read More

The Faster Pace of Decline Toward the Death of Many Congregations

We are seeing a marked decline in fast-growing churches and a marked increase in churches declining toward death. Read More

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