
Monday, June 10, 2019

Monday's Catch: The Healthy Church in 2019 and More

The Healthy Church in 2029: Ten Major Changes in Ten Years

Though I can’t know with precision the shape of our churches in ten years, I do see some outliers and trends pointing us toward some key directions. Let me take those signposts and fast forward ten years. Read More

How Do You Preach the "Hard Stuff"?

“How do you deal with preaching the hard subjects in the Bible, such as homosexuality, tithing, and sexual immorality?” This was one of the dozens of questions my panel received at a recent preaching conference luncheon at Southwestern Seminary. Here are a few practical ways I preach hard texts and topics. Read More

The Greatest Gift You Can Give Someone

In a world dominated by screens, distraction is king. This may be bad news, but it also provides a unique opportunity for us to love each other in a counter-cultural way. In a world of constant distraction, focus and attention become rare treasures. Read More

Seven Ways to Handle a Disgruntled Group Member

What do you do when that disgruntled person is in your Bible study group and has an issue that’s causing the members of your group to be uncomfortable? You’re the group’s leader. What are you supposed to do? Read More

Confession ≠ Repentance

Ty Gooch explains the difference between confession and repentance and how true repentance can lead to life transformation. Read More

A Conversation with a Scientologist

I’ve heard a lot about Scientology over the years, but never had the opportunity to speak to someone who believed it. That all changed this last Sunday afternoon. Read More

Reviving Evangelism: An Invitation to Join the Evangelism Leaders Fellowship

A think-tank community for Christian leaders focusing on the practice of mission, evangelism, and outreach. Read More

Why Trying to Reach Everybody Is a Really Bad Evangelism Strategy

Trying to reach everybody is one of the fastest ways to ensure you'll reach nobody. Read More
There is a downside to this approach which Carey Nieuwhof does not address in his article. When Jesus gave the Great Commission to the Church, he did not instruct the Church to make disciples of "people like us," in the apostles' case. the Jews, but all people groups. And God repeatedly showed to Peter and the infant Church that the gospel was not just for the Jews but also for the Samaritans and the Gentiles. Being focused and having one or more specific ministry target groups is a good idea but we should keep in mind that the gospel is for all people and not a select few. It is not for us to decide who God may have predestined for salvation.

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