
Monday, June 24, 2019

Monday's Catch: The Importance of the Gospel and More

How Important Is the Gospel?

After years of watching “gospel-centered” be used as an adjective to describe everything from children’s ministry to a Wednesday night pot-luck dinner to global missions, I pray that we not lose sight of how indescribably important the gospel actually is. So I thought it might be helpful if we simply let Scripture address the matter. This post, therefore, is designed for those of you who, in your understandable frustration with what has often become a mindless and repetitive use of the language of gospel-centrality, are on the verge of deleting it altogether from your vocabulary. Read and rejoice! Read More

Cultivating a Congregation That Lives Unashamed of the Gospel

Here are two ways to cultivate a congregation that lives unashamed.... Read More

Nothing Can Replace Preaching: Our Glorious and Dangerous Calling

Preaching, what I call expository exultation, is a unique kind of communication. It is something not brought from the world into the service of the church. Nor can the world take it from the church and use it for its own purposes. It is different, radically different, from anything in the world. Read More
"Expository exultation" is a fitting description of preaching. The preacher proclaims the excellencies of the One who called us out of darkness in his marvelous light.
Is the Multisite Church Movement Still Growing? Six Updates

Not everyone likes or embraces the multisite movement; but it is hard for anyone to deny its growth and paradigmatic impact. Read More

Is Your Church Healthy? Part 2: Equipped

Is your church healthy when it comes to equipping the Saints? Here are a few questions to mull over.... Read More
This post is part of the Is Your Church Healthy Series
My Church Seems Healthy, But It’s Not Growing! What’s Wrong?

“All healthy things grow” is not a Bible verse or a command. We have to stop acting like it is. Read More

What Changes When Your Attendance Breaks 200?

For churches looking to grow, it’s important to note that without a shift in the way that you do ministry in a church of 100, you can’t properly manage a church of 300; the congregation simply wouldn’t get the appropriate shepherding and pastoral care. Read More

How Celibacy Developed in the Early Church [Video]

In this brief clip from his teaching series A Survey of Church History, W. Robert Godfrey explains how the early church came to view celibacy as the life most pleasing to God. Watch Now

Project Management for Churches: A Short Guide

In this post, I want to help you successfully start and complete any project in your church. I’m going to share with you four essential project-management skills, and different project-management tools your church can consider. Let’s get started! Read More

How Does a Pastor Care for the Sick in the Hospital and Home? [Podcast]

This Practical Shepherding podcast addresses a vital aspect of faithful pastoral ministry. Listen Now

4 Tangible Ways to Welcome and Accommodate Families with Special Needs Children

Your congregation can tangibly care for families who have a member with special needs. Several good ways to start include implementing awareness, acceptance, and inclusion practices. Read More

8 Things That Will Happen at Your Vacation Bible School

It’s that time of year again when church lawns across the country are covered with bounce houses, name tags, energetic kids, and tired volunteers in matching shirts. That’s right; it’s Vacation Bible School time. To help you prepare for what’s coming, here are eight things every church can expect to happen at VBS. Read More

Should We Pray for Filling of the Spirit? [Video]

In this video, Michael Horton explains what the Bible means when it talks about being “filled with the Spirit” and talks about how Christians can pursue that goal. Watch Now

The “E” Word: Why Many Avoid It, and How We Can Reimagine It

Truth be told, people are more likely to make fun of evangelistic methods than actually engage in evangelistic practices. Churches love discipleship and they love social justice, but if the Church is going to fulfill its mission of showing and sharing the love of Jesus in our world today, both of these need to link arms with evangelism. We have to tell people about Jesus. Read More

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